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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - RC Result Analyzer Pro
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RC Result Analyzer Pro
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6926

MessagePosté le: 04.08.2013, 20:28:47    Sujet du message: RC Result Analyzer Pro Répondre en citant

RC Result Analyzer Pro

The RC Result Analyzer Pro tool was created to easily view, compare and share race results from remote control car races that are using RC Scoring Pro. RC Result Analyzer Pro can compare results from different rounds, races, competitors and classes. It displays results with easy to read summaries and visual graphs. RC Result Analyzer Pro can also view qualification summaries, fastest lap summaries and results from the main. It allows you to share these results by sending them over e-mail, text message or by posting on a web forum. It is a useful and fun tool that can be used to assist you with car tuning by seeing your broken down races results straight from your mobile device.

Version 7: July 24, 2013
- Minor update to allow cancel when doing a IP search from the download properties page.
- Minor update for Canadian Championships in Ottawa
Version 6: July 1, 2013
- RC Result Analyzer Pro released.
- Contains updates to allow racers to view qualification rankings, fastest lap rankings and results for all mains.
- Contains updates to allow racers to share results over e-mail, text message or by posting on a web forum.
Informations complémentaires
Mise à jour
24 juillet 2013
Entre 500 et 1 000
Version actuelle
Nécessite Android
2.1 ou version ultérieure
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6926

MessagePosté le: 04.08.2013, 20:34:20    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
A new Android application was released today called RC Result Analyzer for Android.

The RC Result Analyzer tool was created to easily view and compare race results from remote control car races (That used RC Scoring Pro). RC Result Analyzer can compare results from different rounds, races, competitors and classes. It displays results with easy to ready summaries and visual graphs. RC Result Analyzer is a useful and fun tool that can be used to assist you with car tuning by seeing your broken down races results straight from your Android device.

The application can be found on Google Play (TM):
RC Result Analyzer Lite

The version released on December 31, 2012 is the free Lite version of the application only. The Pro version will be released in the future.

The free lite version of the application was released for a few reasons:
1) I wanted to give users the ability to try the basic features of the application for free.
2) Since this is the first release of this application and it was semi complex to create there is likely some bugs I did not find during testing. I want to release a free version of the application to iron out any bugs before releasing a application that was not free.
3) Free applications make it easier to promote the application.

A Pro version will be released in the future with additional features and functions (Much more useful!). The Pro Version will have a cost of 5$, while the Lite version is free. There was a lot of effort put into this and 5$ I feel is a very fair price for the PRO version considering the market (Will not have millions of customers) and the work put into it.

Here are a few images and instructional help videos of the tool. The instructional help videos were designed as help and not marketing, but I think they will give people a good idea of what the Lite version of the tool can do.

I was sitting at my pit table one night at a club race. Round 2 had just ended and I was curious about my race results. I raced Round 1 and my car felt like it was pushing, I made a few setup changes and it seemed to improve the cars consistency and the push wasn’t as bad. I sat at my table and saw the results posted on the wall and thought why do I have to walk to those results then push everyone out of the way to try and compare them…. In this day and age I shouldn’t have to walk there then have to compare my race results on two pieces of paper with 20 other people crowding the space. I then looked at my Android Smart Phone and thought… I could probably make something by incorporating something made by myself and some other applications made by others (Who are much smarter then myself – no question there!) and make something interesting, make something simple yet useful to myself and others that race RC cars. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be cool if I could pull the results wirelessly onto my smart phone and analyze them in a nice format (With both information and graphs) and do this all live…. I wondered if this was even possible…

I did some research with respect to RC Scoring Pro (Which is what we use as a timing software locally in Ottawa, Canada). Quickly I noticed that RC Scoring Pro made multiple output files including txt files. I then knew it would be possible to make an application on my android smart phone to do what I wanted. An application to show me my results and other people’s results and be able to graph them without moving from my pit area! I could also have this information for later on when I was at home and I could compare all my results at the touch of a few buttons on my android phone.

I have a few screen shots from the Beta version of this application that I would like to share. Below is a short demo (Images only – Video to come in the near future) of the actual product.

Screen Shot 1 and 2

The application has multiple drop down boxes. This image shows the Select Race drop down box. The drop down is a scrollable (By using your fingers). You can select the Races, Rounds, Classes and Racer names. Once these are all selected the race results are displayed for that individual.

Screen shot 3

This shows the application showing Round 1 and Round 2 for a race I ran earlier in the year. It shows the Name, Class, Round, Place in heat, over all laps/time, fastest lap, slowest lap, top 5, 10, 15, 20, average and Std Dev (Consistency)

Screen shot 4

This shows the Laps graphed (special thanks to achartengine) comparing the two rounds shown in screen shot 3. Round # 1 is in blue while Round # 2 is in yellow. As you can see by the graph, my lap times were consistently faster during round 2 when compared to round 1. I guess the minor setup changes worked…

Screen shot 5

This shows the graph (special thanks to achartengine again…) comparing the pace of the two rounds. Again Round # 1 is in blue while Round # 2 is in Yellow. In this graph you can actually see that I was faster in Round # 1 until around Lap 7 to 8 (Mainly due to a bad first lap in round # 2). But I slowly caught up and surpassed the pace I outputted in round 1.

That is my quick demo in images/text of the application. I’m hoping to have the lite version out within the month on the android market. I plan to release a lite version and a Pro version. The lite version will be released first and it will be free on the android market. I want to use the lite version as a test launch to see how it goes and receive feedback from “Non paying customers” before releasing the Pro version with all functions. I plan to have a small fee for the Pro version mainly to make up for the time I put into this tool (It has been on-going for a long time even though it was kept from everyone, but one person helping me a bit). It will not be expensive though.

Since the application is almost completed I wanted to put something official out there to get some initial feedback on this project. Unfortunately this will only work on Android phones. Sorry to those using iPhones and BlackBerries. In the future maybe, but as of now they are Android compatible only. It is also only compatible with RC Scoring Pro.

I plan to post a video of the application in action soon as well before it’s released. It is much more interesting to see it live, then through a few screen shots.
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 14/09/2005
Messages: 26253
Localisation: Orléans

MessagePosté le: 04.08.2013, 20:55:25    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Papy boomer
Stadium truc RC10T4 Team Associated, Mini T Pro Losi
Elle est pas belle la vie.
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Inscrit le: 26/07/2005
Messages: 890
Localisation: ligue Bretagne

MessagePosté le: 05.08.2013, 08:38:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

mais il faut utiliser le logiciel rc scoring pro ..... Mad Mad Mad

jamais vu en france !!! Question Question
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