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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - facile a utiliser ce genre d'appareil pr amortisseurs
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RCmag Index du Forum » TT 1/8 technique

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facile a utiliser ce genre d'appareil pr amortisseurs
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6926

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 20:34:48    Sujet du message: facile a utiliser ce genre d'appareil pr amortisseurs Répondre en citant

facile a utiliser ce genre d'appareil pr amortisseurs
j'ai jamais vu cet appareil utilisé

How many times have you seen a car that just wasn't right, and no one seemed to have the answer? Many times it is traceable to the shock absorbers. Shocks are undoubtedly one of the most important parts of chassis tuning, but there has never been an easy and accurate way of comparing, matching, adjusting and measuring them... until now. Team Losi's truly ingenious Shock Matching Tool is just such an item and easily the most useful tool a racer will have at his disposal. Gil Losi, Jr. developed this tool while doing intense shock testing and has fine-tuned it over 10 years.

No matter how much you know about pistons, dampening, limiting or any other shock tricks, racers have always "guessed" at these most critical facets of the shocks. This easy-to-use tool serves the primary functions of checking and comparing O-ring condition, pressurization, condition of fluid, spring balance/rate or how a shock change compares with what you were running. Additionally, you can use it to precisely match your shocks for length, limiting and find an accurate starting point for a spring change.

To match a pair of shocks, simply put them on the tool and move the balance bar to the extended position, then slowly push it down to the compressed position. The ball bearing-supported pointer will move with even the slightest differences between the shocks. You will graphically see any variances and be able to address them as necessary.

For instance, you may have put a new cartridge in one shock, causing the drag of the new O-rings creates an imbalance. Maybe one shock has ingested dirt, and the O-rings are no longer sealing well. Or possibly you didn't bleed the shocks equally, and one shock has greater pressure than the other, necessitating re-bleeding.

Additionally, you can see how a change will affect your shocks by making a change on only one shock and comparing it to the unchanged one. After you know that your shocks are operating equally, you can put on the springs and accurately adjust them with equal preload, followed by a compression test to insure equal spring rate and function. It almost sounds too easy, but you won't believe the results this has on handling.

Take the guesswork out of adding shock limiters. To check that the extended shock lengths match perfectly, fully extend the shock matching tool. The pointer at the base of the tool will indicate if the extended lengths are equal. Metric and standard graduations on the length of the body give exact ball cup center-to-center measurements.

To compare compressed shock length, fully compress the Shock Matching tool. The pointer at the base of the tool indicates if the extended lengths are equal. Graduations on the length of the body give exact ball cup center-to-center measurements.

To compare shock pressurization and dampening rates, move the slider and observe the pointer. Ifthe pointer remans motionless in the center, a perfect match is achieved. If the pointer moves, it is time to rebuild the shocks.

Spring Rate:
With the springs attached to the shocks, it's easy to verify if spring rates are equal. Simply compress the tool. If the pointer stays motionless, the spring rate is identical; if not, the pointer will swing toward the weaker spring.
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Inscrit le: 05/02/2008
Messages: 854

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 20:41:50    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

slt pour ma part jamais vu cette appareil mes en TT je sais pas si ces vraiment utile en PISTE peut etre oui apres je sais pas Question
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Inscrit le: 01/05/2007
Messages: 275

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 20:43:29    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Shocked Interessant comme outil mais alors quel charge en plus pour la mise au point, et je doute que le simple pilote que je suis sentirai la différence. Néanmoins le principe est plus que censé......
Wait and see !!!
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Inscrit le: 08/12/2007
Messages: 1691
Localisation: MRCPM L10

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 20:46:08    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

De plus le prix n'est pas excessif.
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 14/09/2005
Messages: 26253
Localisation: Orléans

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 20:48:13    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ce n'est commercialisé par Team Losi que depuis, 4 ans Smile
Papy boomer
Stadium truc RC10T4 Team Associated, Mini T Pro Losi
Elle est pas belle la vie.
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Inscrit le: 25/02/2010
Messages: 44

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 20:51:05    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

j ai l appareil losi, il permet de bien equilibrer les amortisseurs je l ai prete a des amis de la ligue 13 mais bon ca fait quand meme pas de toi un champion, mais entre ca et un reglage chassis precis on progresse car l auto est saine.
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 20/08/2004
Messages: 7493
Localisation: seine et marne

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 21:48:36    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

c'est je crois utilisé pas mal en piste 1/8 ou 1/10

en tout cas cet outil n'est pas recent .... Exclamation
Plus tu pedales moins vite .....moins tu avances plus vite

MUGEN MBX7R/ moteur NINJA/radio SANWA /servos SAVOX /carburant ............ /pneus AKA
MUGEN MBX7R/ECO /moteur PRT/vario HW SC8
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6926

MessagePosté le: 13.03.2010, 22:36:49    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

effectivement cet appareil n'est récent
comme quoi c'est peut etre un gadget
peut utilisé sur les circuits

When you build shocks, you want them to be as consistent as they can be from side to side. No matter how carefully you build them, it's very difficult to set them up and precisely match them in the way you'd like to, and judging them with the "squish test" isn't exactly accurate. If you really want to dial in your shocks with total precision, you should check out Team Losi's new Shock Matching Tool. Team Losi's top designer, Gil Losi Jr., has been fanatical about suspension setup for many years, and he created the Tool to take the guesswork out of matching your shocks. It can handle dampers for cars and trucks that range from 1/12 scale all the way up to 1/5 scale. I'll show you how you can use it to set up a perfectly matched pair of shocks so you'll have one less thing to worry about when you try to find the right suspension setup for the track.
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