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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - News ULTIMATE ENGINES 2014 UPDATES
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RCmag Index du Forum » Les moteurs nitro

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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6910

MessagePosté le: 17.05.2014, 10:05:11    Sujet du message: News ULTIMATE ENGINES 2014 UPDATES Répondre en citant


This is the Ultimate Engine M814 Tuned Combo. The M814 engine is a 8 port engine, long-stroke, with tuned crankshaft and has been configured for all those drivers who compete at the highest level and look for a powerful and linear engine with good power at both low and high R.P.M. Its configuration allows having multiple engines in one; with a soft clutch you will have a smooth and very linear engine, but with a hard clutch you will have a very aggressive engine. It stands out an oversized cooling head to improve performance at high temperatures and it is easy to tune. The Ultimate M814 makes excellent bottom end power, and is an excellent choice for 1/8 buggies and trucks. This engine includes a R7 conrod made from super light aluminum and designed to create the least amount of turbulence inside the engine. The sleeve has 8 transfer ports to create a linear power output and to keep fuel consumption low. The tuned crankshaft is manufactured with a larger bore intake to increase the mixture flow, and has a special shape to optimize gas-flow in the engine. The rear bearing has an outer diameter of 25.80mm and has been used in order to avoid ring distortion and to increase lifespan. The two needle, slide valve, nylon body carburetor features a standard design that allows the use of interchangeable venturi's to tune for any track condition. Using small venturi fuel consumption will be reduced easily achieving the 9 min. With large venturi you will get an incredible performance at high rpm.

Ultimate Engines presents the new M814 which is based on the successful M8 engine with few improved details. The cooling head has been redesigned to remove weight for lowering the centre of gravity, as well as to increase the surface cooling area. Furthermore, this CNC machined cooling head has been modified to make adjusting the idle easier.

UR3301-M814-Ultimate-Engine-M814-Tuned peqUR3301-M814-Ultimate-Engine-M814-Tuned-Top peq

Besides this, the mounting points of the crankcase have also been modified to avoid rubbing the rear centre shaft.

UR3301-M8 lateral-2_peq

On the other hand, we are pleased to present the new Ultimate EFRA 2119 off road Super Strong Tuned Pipe set w/ Manifold that has been developed to provide a good balance of top end, and low end power with good run time.

UR352119-021-Ultimate-Efra-2119 peqUR352119-021-Ultimate-Efra-2119-packaging peq

As another novelty you can find the M5 and M814 engines as well as the pipe set alone without combo. So besides the combos that include the engine, complete pipe set, clutch, clutch bell, air filter and foam, we supply the engines and pipe alone without combo.


UR3301-M5C – Ultimate Engines M-5 Tuned Combo
UR3301-M814C – Ultimate Engines M-814 Tuned Combo

UR3301-M814C-Ultimate-Engine-M814-Tuned-Combo peq


UR3301-M5 – Ultimate Engine M-5 Tuned
UR3301-M814 – Ultimate Engine M-814 Tuned

UR3301-M5-Ultimate-engine-M5-tuned-packaging peq

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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6910

MessagePosté le: 17.05.2014, 10:09:06    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant
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