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RCmag :: Voir le sujet - Chargeur Lipo RAYTRONIC C60 a deux sorties avec équilibreur
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RCmag Index du Forum » Les batteries et chargeurs

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Chargeur Lipo RAYTRONIC C60 a deux sorties avec équilibreur
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Champion du monde
Champion du monde

Inscrit le: 10/08/2005
Messages: 6968

MessagePosté le: 20.03.2010, 13:06:41    Sujet du message: Chargeur Lipo RAYTRONIC C60 a deux sorties avec équilibreur Répondre en citant

Chargeur Lipo RAYTRONIC C60 a deux sorties avec équilibreur intégré

High-performance two-channel charger with integrated 7-channel balancers with a comfortable, yet simple operation. Up to 300 watts per channel power held under control by three fans , even very demanding users allowing full use at latest 5C Li-poly and A123 ® Li-Fe batteries. 20 memorie's for loading programs on each channel provides a very easy job even if you use dozens of different kinds of battery packs!

# Input supply voltage 11-28 V DC .

# Two independent channels for charging and discharging 1-18 NiCd / NiMH cells, 1-7 Li-ion/Li-poly/Li-Fe articles or 2-24 V lead-acid gel batteries.

# Adjustable charging current (0.1 A - 20.0 A). Max. Power: 300 W per channel. (max. once 200W + 200W)

# Adjustable discharge current (0.1 A - 10.0 A). Power dissipation is automatically limited to the maximum 50 W # End charging by regulators delta-peak for NiCd and NiMH batteries, optional charging mode (Normal, Linear, Reflex) with manual or fully automatic settings.

# Pb and Lithium batteries are charged using the "constant current / constant voltage ".

# Adjustable sensitivity of delta-peak detection .

# Repeated cycle operation of charging / discharging or discharging / charging of NiCd and NiMH batteries # Both channels have a built-in intelligent balancer used for individual compensation voltage of each cell lithium battery connected set with a tolerance of 5 mV during charging or discharging.

# Voltage on each article is for balancing continuously displayed on the screen.

# Temperature measurement with an (optional) temperature sensor internal resistance measurement .

# End battery charge after the alarm temperature, capacity or time.

# Memory for 20 programs for each charging channel

# Backlit LCD display with simple and clear menu and display parameters during charging simultaneously for both channel

# 3 built-in powerful fans for forced cooling of the active

# The safe operation contributes to a number of text message alert - incorrect input voltage, bad wiring, inadequate or battery status, incorrect polarity on the output ...

# Protection against short circuit and reverse polarity on output.

# To take full advantage of parameters requires a stabilized source of at least 13.8 V/40 A.

# Adjustable power limit to protect against overloading the power supply.

This makes the charger can be powered from a source and a lower capacity (from 12 V / 5 A), without the risk of congestion less efficient resources.

# Adjustable rate power for each channel charger.

Great care is given to charging lithium batteries.

When charging a lithium batterypack connect with service connector, you can charge or discharge and monitor voltage from each cell and a built-in balancer balances the voltages of each cell.

Set comes with a balance adapters available for some systems - PolyQuest / RAY / E-Tech and JST-XH (EASYCOPTER / Align / DualSky).

Service connectors are JST-EH (Kokam / Graupner / RC System) can engage directly in the socket on the charger - the first black cable connector kit must be connected to contact (-) on the right side of the charger socket.

A separate adapter plate for service connector system ThunderPower / ThunderFlight / MPX can be purchased separately.

To measure the temperature a probe can purchased (the same for Raytronic C16).

Charger kit includes: charger RAYTRONIC C60, 2x balance plate for lithium batteries with service connectors of PolyQuest / RAY / E-Tech, 2x balance plate for lithium batteries with service connectors System JST-XH (EASYCOPTER / Align / DualSky), alligator clips for the power cord. RAYTRONIC Chargers for RCM Pelikan are produced by Korean firm SJ, court supplier of chargers for many leading global companies in modelbusiness .

ils ont aussi d'autres modèles de chargeur que l'on connais sous d'autres appellations
Raytronic C30


Raytronic C14


Raytronic C10

Raytronic C8
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